Cryptids Island Walkthrough

Cryptids Island

Arrival on Cryptids Island
So, you have just slid off your air balloon and landed in a new island, ‘Cryptids Island’.
First, walk across to the right, and you will automatically stop and talk to this man holding a soccer ball, who will give you a flyer about ‘Mews’ offering a one million dollar reward if you proved the existence of ‘Cryptids.’ It says to bring the proof to the ‘Harold News’. Yet, where is it? That’s one of the things we will need to find out.
Run pass Kitty’s Kites and go right. You should arrive to in front of a mansion. Go right all the way until you reached the end of the street. You should notice a piece of money stuck in the tree. Jump to get it; it’s a five dollar note.
Now go back to the place where your air balloon is ‘parked’, and go into the General Store. Everything there is overpriced, only sports drink is $5.
Click to use your money, and buy the sports drink. Then go out and go right to the mansions again, which is where you got the money.
Go to the right and talk to the man holding the shears. He will tell you that he’s very thirsty. Use your sports drink and he will let you borrow his shears. Now proceed back to the main street and go left.

Getting Started
Once you arrive onto the street, you can see a person floating off on an air balloon. And he’s going off to somewhere like, Loch Ness?
Walk left until you saw a girl holding a glider, and talk to her. She will ask you if you can give her a push. Click on her to push her off, and she will fly, you don’t get anything from this but it might have something to do with the game afterwards.
Now jump onto the roof of the house and you will see an unhappy pilot stuck in his balloon. Jump into his balloon and talk to him. He’s balloon is stuck to the roof. Use your sheers to cut off the rope which is tied to a lamp. And you will get a part of his nylon rope.
Run back now to the main street and enter the store calling Kitty’s Kites. Talk to the manager (who is a woman) and ask her to borrow a kite. She will let you choose any kite you want. Go right a little and click on the ‘kite surfer.’ You won’t be able to borrow that because you don’t have nylon rope.
So click to use your nylon rope and she will let you borrow the kite surfer. Now exit Kitty’s Kites and go back to the place where you cut the ‘balloon man’ free. And run all the way to the ‘cliff’ and click to use your kite surfer. And away we go.
Next you will find yourself surfing on a kite, this is kind of a mini game but you can’t really sink. Although after a little while this person with purple hair came along and said the million dollars reward is hers. And she lit your kite on fire! I don’t think she knows that the kite is borrowed.
Now we’re sinking! However, the Mews helicopter was able to find you in time, but you faint anyway.
Next thing you knew, you were in this room with the man who offered the million dollars reward. He said that you were attacked by Gretchen Grimlock, who is someone that will do anything to get money.
Then the man will leave you to recover. He said to meet him in his foyer when you are feeling better. But you will be too sick to get up just yet. So click the glass of water on the bedside table, and once you drank it, you will be able to get up again.
Now exit the room and go into the foyer, which is the door in the bottom right corner of the mansion.
Go Down the stairs and you will find that this is a Cryptids museum. You won’t be able to see Mr. Mews yet. Have a look around and click at all the machines to get some brief information about the creatures. And once you have opened and closed all of them, Mr. Mews will appear.
And he will ask you for help to find the Cryptids. Agree to his question, and he will lend you his helicopter.
Now go outside and take off (on the helicopter). First let’s go to Loch Ness, which is where that first balloon man was going to go to.

Loch Ness
When you arrive at Loch Ness, go right until you see another unhappy looking man (slightly older) stuck. He’s truck is stuck under the bridge; help him by clicking the left tire of the truck. And when you did, you will see a close up of the tire. Let the air go until it is ok for the truck to pass under the bridge. It is automatic so you just have to continue clicking on it.
And when you finished, he will give you his camera. Now go right, to the pub.
Walk right and go into the pub. Jump onto the bar and run left until you reached a packet of matchsticks. Get it, and talk the guy with the glasses furthest to the left. You will have to play a game of darts with him and if you win then he will give you a rowboat ticket.
You will have to play a game of darts then, since a ride on the row boat might help you find the nessie.
After you won, he will give you a better dart and a row boat ticket. But he himself gets mad and walks off.
Go back to your helicopter but don’t take off, jump into the rowboat, and use your rowboat ticket. Then click go left to cruise over the river. When you stopped, the boat man will tell you to watch closely, and a couple of… round things will appear out of the water. Could that be the nessie? Unfortunately the boatman will not allow you to go closer. So click to use your camera and take a picture. Then go back.
When I mean go back, I also mean going all the way back to the mews mansion using the helicopter, since we have something to tell Mr. Mews.
Go back into Mr. Mews’ house and go into the lab room, where you will find him standing. Show him the big discovery, the photo of the nessie.
Sadly, the round things are the nessie, but a couple of truck tires. But is there something like the Nessie lurking behind the trees? Let’s get back to Loch Ness.
Go back into the pub, this time talk to the guys wearing the caps; they are standing near the table (not the bar).
The older one will say that he saw the nessie very clearly, and the younger one will say that he’s fibbing. In the end you will have to have another game of darts with the younger guy. If you win this time you will get a submarine ticket.
Once you got the submarine ticket, go outside and to the left all the way until you got to the submarine.
However, before you get into the submarine, go talk to the boat man. And he will go away. Then go into the submarine using your submarine ticket.
And you will find yourself controlling the submarine. Go all the way to the bottom left corner, and you shall find something.
That something is kind of like a Nessie. But it looks really, weird. Just take a picture anyway.
Now get out of the submarine, and go all the way back to pub.
Show the guys the photo, and you will discover that it’s another fake. It’s a movie prop. But you did get a dart….looks like we have to win another game. (Sign~)
When you got to the right side of the pub, you will find the same guy with the glasses that gave you the rowboat ticket. He will ask you for a rematch in exchange of something that will help you find the Nessie.
But once you won, you will find out that his promise is a fake. He didn’t help you at all; instead, he thinks that you cheated. At this rate the barter will feel sorry for you. And he will give you a penny whistle
Now go out and go left, talk to the boat man and he will go away. Then hop into the row boat. Row yourself to the left and to the left again.
Now blow the penny whistle the barter gave you. And the real nessie will appear out of the water.
Use your camera to take a picture and back onto the helicopter. Now let’s go to Himalayas.

Jump off the helicopter and you will see that you are under a mountain. The big foot yeti should be here. But we need to climb the mountain first. And we can’t climb the mountain without a guide. There is a mountain guide near to the left of the mountain. He will agree to help you climb the mountain after you’ve talked to him. And then off we go, climbing the mountain.
Your mountain guide will tell you to hold onto each ring you find, or you and he will get blown off. Click to connect your line to the rings and climb each ledge carefully. When you reached the top, go right and enter the building with the red door. Then run right all the way until you reached a ‘table’ thing. Talk to the monk with the lantern, he will say that you can’t take the yeti’s scalp since they are the guardians of the scalp. However, he will give you a lantern. Now get out of the building, and jump onto the ledge (covered in snow) that is on the left of you. Then jump to the left again, and after that, jump onto the right one. You will then be on the roof. Talk to the monk and he will say that he cannot let you through. Not until you won him at a game. (At least it’s not darts, and it’s quite easy) After you won the game, the monk will let you through.
Now go right and jump onto the roof of the smaller temple. And use it as a support to jump up onto the ledge to the left. Walk to the left on the ledge and you will find a yeti foot print. Click to take a picture, and then go to the next part of the island on your helicopter, Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico
Once you arrived, you will see a man helping a balloon man off the tree. Talk to the man (that helped) and he will let you borrow his jeep. He will also ask you if you can deliver some feed to his brother, whose farm is in the top right corner.
When you arrive in the brother’s farm, you will automatically give him the feeds, and then walk to the very left of the farm until you see some orange fur stuck to the fence, get it, and go back to the Mews Mansion.
Click to use the fur sample, and follow all the steps carefully to verify the fur.
But then you will find out its only coyote fur. Another misunderstanding, let’s get back to Puerto Rico then.
Now, get on the jeep and go to the middle star of the map, and try herding some goats in the ‘teeth’ using the jeep slowly, herd three brown goats with white spots in to the tooth. Enter the middle star, and you will say that perhaps one of the farmers can help you.
Then go back to the farmer who let you borrow the jeep, and he will help you trap the chupacabra. Then he will leave.
So go back to the star in the middle, and you will meet the man there. He has already finished setting up the traps. And he will tell you to hide behind the rocks.
Then you will hear a thump, which probably means that the Chupacabra have been caught. Now the man will tell you to push the crate that contains the chupacabra into the jeep.
However when you pushed the crate a tiny bit further, the chupacabra will break free and growl at you! And then it will knock you over and run off. But it left something; looks like one of its teeth fell off. That will be perfect evidence. So go back into the mews mansion and show Mr. Mews that tooth and the nessie picture if you haven’t showed him. But before you go, head off on the jeep to the farm on the left hand corner. If you climb the cliff at the right hand side of the farm, you will be able to find and get a bolt cutter. NOW leave and go to the mews mansion.
Once you have confirmed one of the Cryptids is real, the word under the play button of the machine of that Cryptid will change from unconfirmed to confirm.
And once you have showed him everything unusual you found about the Cryptids, go back onto the helicopter and head this time to New Jersey.

New Jersey
First, go right until you reached a large dumpster, use the bolt cutters that you found in the farm to cut open the lock. And on the inside of that dumpster, is a door, a toilet door.
Apparently, the old toilet doors are been swapped with new ones. Click the door to get it, and go into the toilet which is on your right side. Once you’re in front of the other old toilet door, you will automatically put the other one next to it. And they will form a message for you to copy down.
The message is the direction for the motor bike that is parked right outside the toilets. But, hey, is there someone hanging on the tree? It’s the girl we pushed off on the cliff. And she’s stuck in the tree. Looks like its Gretchen Grimlock again who did this. Use your shears to get her off, and let’s go ride the motor bike into the deep woods.
Follow the instructions of the bathroom door message every time when you reached a ‘Y’ road, and once you used up all the directions, get off the motor bike by clicking the ‘look around’ button on the bottom of the right side corner.
It will be too dark to look around, so click to use your matches to light up the lantern that monk gave you. And you will then be able to see what is going on around you.
You will be able to see a gate with a sculpture of a goat (or is it a jersey devil?) head on it. Enter the gate.
Go right and you will see a house. Enter the house.
When you are in the house, go to the attic, and you will hear something. Is that the jersey devil?
Go left and push the wardrobe to the very end of the room, and use that to jump up into the attic.
Once you are in the attic, go to the right, it must have been pretty scary to get you creeped out.
Fortunately, it was just a raccoon. Next to the raccoon, there is a grappling hook. Get that, and get out of the attic.
However, on your way out, something is there in the window. Is it the real jersey devil this time?
Get out of the house, and you will see the jersey devil just in time before it flies away.
Click then to use your grappling hook, climb on it to reach the nest in the tree. And automatically you will get the egg.
Let’s show that egg to Mr. Mews (and the snow foot print too if you haven’t done that). Do the DNA thing again, and you will find out that it is true jersey devil egg, but the shoe print is a fake.
And Mr. Mews will also add another destination to the computer on the helicopter, it is called Pacific Northwest. Go there to find the big foot.

Pacific Northwest
Straight away when you reached it, you will have to chase big foot. Be careful not to lose it because once its footprints disappeared or he got out of the screen, you lose the game.
However in the end it runs into a cave and Gretchen Grimlock is after it!
You will need to chase Gretchen. Once your helicopter reached hers you will have to jump onto her helicopter (be careful to not touch her propeller) and then onto the cage that held big foot. Click on the switch that is on the right side of Gretchen’s helicopter to let the oil out, and then use your shears to cut big foot’s cage loose so that it is not connected to the helicopter anymore after you have jumped onto the cage that held big foot. You will land safely (because of the parachute that came out of nowhere) and you then have completed this island.

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