Shrink Ray Island Walkthrough

Shrink Ray Island
Okay, you have just arrived on Shrink Ray Island. Drop to the ground and run right until you reach the school building, which has a sign next to it saying the words, ‘Science Fair’ and a green ribbon attached to the roof.
Enter the school building and go right all the way until you reach a door with a label saying ‘Science Fair’ on it. Go into that room.
Once you’re inside, walk right all the way until you reached CJ’s Dad, talk to him and he will tell you that they live on Avenue A.
Now exit the school building and go right to Avenue A. CJ’s house is the door with the cat walking in front of it, enter her house and go inside. The cat will follow you inside; you will need to chase it out of the house.
After the cat disappeared, go into CJ’s bedroom, which is the room most to the left, and click on her microscope. Not the one near the window, but the one on CJ’s table. And look through it. Once you finished reading the message, close it. And suddenly this guy in a balaclava is coming right towards you, forcing you to the end of the room, and shrinking you into a tiny dot. And this is when the adventure begins.
Now that you’re tiny, jump onto the draws and hop onto CJ’s fan. Wait until the fan has lowered to the very bottom, and then click the red button at the side of the fan. It will start the fan up, and the fan will blow away the dirt under the bed. Close the fan again and hop over it on to the ground. Then go under CJ’s bed. And get the USB, or what they call it, thumb drive. Now run to the right and skip over the rubbish bin, and push it over.
Ok, now go right and proceed to the next part of CJ’s bed room. Jump onto her desk, and click her computer. It will ask you for a password. The password is ‘m4r13 cur13.’ Then use your thumb drive to put it into the computer. It will download its contents onto the computer.
Hop back onto the floor and click go right again, to go into the living room.
The cat is right outside the door, and so when you’re running across the door, its paw will appear from under the door and scratch you, more like hit you. But you can easily jump over it. There’s nothing we can do there at the moment, so go into the next room, the kitchen.
The kitchen is quite a hard part of this island. First, hop onto the second drawer and get the screw driver. Then, push the sponge
(Which is green and yellow), next to the power cleaner. And jump onto it using the support of the sponge. After that, using the support of the power cleaner, jump onto the big rubbish bin, and go in.
The rubbish bin is kind of like a mini game. Here is what you have to do to get the thing you want.
1.         Push the tuna can next to you to the right.
2.         Walk across and drop down next to the cheese, then pull the cheese to the left.
3.         Jump up to be side-to-side with a tin of milk. Push it to the right, and fall with it.
4.         Now you’re pretty much at the bottom of the rubbish bin. Walk left until you’re next to another cheese, push it to the left and push it to the left again.
5.         Jump onto the ‘platform’, and pull the cheese to the left.
6.         Now walk off the ‘platform’ to the right and pull the milk can to the left and left again.
7.         Then jump back onto the platform and jump over the cheese, pull the can of tuna to the left.
8.         Hop onto the tuna can and jump onto the platform on the left. Push that tuna to the left. And jump to the right.
9.         Pull the tuna can to the left.
10.   Jump up the ‘steps’ and take the piece of paper.
Ok, we’ve got the note now. The quick way to get out of the rubbish bin is to click restart at the bottom left corner of the screen and click to leave the trash.
Once you’re out of the trash, go to the right to arrive in the next part of the kitchen. There will be another piece of paper. And how do we get it? That’s what we’re about to find out.
As you can see, our way is blocked by a wooden ball or something like that. Push it, and it will push the kettle to the other stove, which is active and boils the kettle of water. Jump onto the steam that comes out of the kettle, and you should land on a shelf with a jar of sugar and flour.
There is also an oil bottle next to you, push it so that it falls over.
Now drop all the way to the ground, and walk to the right a little bit. You will see a cat bowl that has the word ‘Whiskers’ on it. Push it to the left so that it’s under where the oil is dripping.
Now climb back on to the table and jump on the bag of the cat food about three to five times. However, sometimes it can take a whole lot more jumps than that.
Go back onto the ground and you will see that there is a stack of food formed by oil and cat food. Push the bowl to the brown table and use it as a support to jump onto it. And once you are on the table a grape will fall off its stalk. Get the note first, and click on the grape to pick it up. Make sure you have the grape. Next go back down to the floor and click ‘go left’ to the first half of the kitchen.

When you’re in the first part of the kitchen, jump up the drawers and click the electric charge of the toaster and put it into the charger. Pick up the grape again, and jump onto the toaster’s switch to start it. The toaster will heat up, and when it popped up, you will get sent flying onto the shelf above, dropping the grape on your way up.
There is a salt shaker on the right side. Push it to the left side of the cooking tool that lay on the shelf. Push it as far to the left as you can, (but be careful not to push it off the black cooking tool) and when you did, jump onto the jar of spoons and stuff.
When you’re ready, jump onto the other side of the cooking tool, and the salt will go flying a little. When it comes back down, be aware to stay in the same position or you will get flicked off. So, you jump, salt jump, you jump again, salt jump again, and you fly.
You should fly up to the top of the fridge, and on the left side of the fridge there is a remote control, get that, and go into the living room.

Go to the left until you reach the toy truck. Click to use your screwdriver to unscrew the panel and take out the battery inside.
Now jump back onto the table, and click to use the battery on the TV remote control. Once the battery is in, jump on the big green button to activate the TV.
Now jump onto the TV and climb onto one of the antennas, you should get little white sparks over you. Slide back down, and take a leap for the green balloon, you should get stuck onto it, and land on a painting.
Walk on the painting as left as you dare and jump onto the shelf where the bottle of fish food is. Push it and fish food will fall out.     
Now jump off the shelf and you should land on the fish tank. There is a switch that says the aqua filter is on, click off to turn it off and dive into the tank. You should get a diary key.
Go back onto the ground and go into CJ’s bedroom again.
When you’re in CJ’s bedroom jump onto her chair and her laptop to support you to go onto her shelf which is where her diary is. Use the diary key to open up the diary, and use the torn page you collected from the rubbish bin to fit the diary pieces together.
Now jump onto the thermostat and run on it until the arrow reaches red.
Then jump onto the lamp, jump on it until it’s at its lowest. And turn on the switch. Go under the light, and use the page you found in the kitchen. It’s a secret message written in lemon juice.
It said, ‘Look for me in the school coordinates.’ We haven’t checked the school coordinates though, did we? But how exactly can we ‘look’ for her in the school coordinates? That’s it, through the big telescope.
Jump off the table to the ground, and go left into the place where we were first shrunk.
If you turned the thermostat properly, then the heater on the ground should have started off. And if you knocked the rubbish bin over, then the pieces of paper from the rubbish bin should be floating on top of the heater, letting you to jump on them and to hop onto the bed. If you haven’t done these two things, do them now.
Now jump on the scrap pieces of paper one by one, and then hop onto CJ’s bed. There will be a book on the page that says, ‘Morse Code.’ Click the page to get it. And hop over the fan to the ground. Now jump onto the table and onto the telescope. You will notice that there are two wheels; X and Y. run on the X wheel until the number on top of it is 87. And run on the Y wheel until it is on number 16. Yup, that’s the school coordinates.
Now look through the telescope. And you should see an outline of a person. That’s CJ and she’s been shrunk too. She will give you a message in Morse code, and you will have to translate it using the page of Morse code we got from that book. The message is, ‘Flush the Thumb drive.’
Now jump back onto the table, jump over the fan, and go into the living room.
While you’re in the living room, you might like to take the battery out of the remote control and put it into the toy truck.
And then go into the bathroom, where we haven’t been yet. After all, we need to flush the thumb drive. Flush as in flush it down the toilet. And the bathroom is the only place where there is a toilet.

When you’re in the bathroom, jump onto the table and walk to the left, where you will see a hair dryer. Jump onto the switch as a support to jump onto the hair dryer, and click the red switch to open it up.
Now jump into the air coming from the hair dryer, it should blow you up to the top of the shower. And you should land on a platform, and on a piece of pink soap. Push the soap to the right, and jump onto the bathtub tap. Run on the hot water switch to make water come through the tap. The water should fill up the bath. Now hop into the bathtub, and push the soap to the left until it touches the rubber duck.
Then hop onto the soap, and use it as a support to hop onto the rubber duck, and then use the rubber duck as a support to jump onto the side of the bathtub. Hop out of the bathtub, and jump onto the plumber to get bounced onto the rolls of toilet paper. And jump onto the toilet seat.
Use your thumb drive to chuck it down the toilet. Then jump off the toilet to the left, onto the roll of toilet paper that is on top of the news paper. However, you must leave fast or you’ll get rolled off. Use the toilet paper roll to jump on top of the toilet flush, and to send the thumb drive on to its merry way.
Now get out of the bathroom, and let’s go back to the telescope in CJ’s room to see if there are anymore messages.
(P.S, You can switch the light off using the switches at the right side of the room.)
Oh and on the way there, in the living room, you might like to put the battery back inside the toy truck. Also don’t forget to check if the thermostat is pointed to the red part
Change the X wheel to 87 and the Y wheel to 16 again, and look through the telescope. This time the message is, “Thief is Mr. Silva.” Mr. Silva is the old man you talked to at the science fair. Is he the one who stole CJ’s invention?!
To find out, first, we need to get out of this house. And how do we do that when we are completely tiny? How about the toy truck? Make sure you have a battery inside or else it won’t start.
Get into the toy truck and drive from the living room to the second part of CJ’s bed room under the shelves, and get out of the truck.
There are a stack of books blocking our way; we need to get over them.
Jump onto the very top of CJ’s shelf, and walk to the left and you will see a book called, ‘Tess’s Tree’. Push that book off the shelf. And it should form a ramp with the stack of books that is blocking your way. You can back away to do a runner up, but speed for the ramp, and we’re getting out of here.
Then you will have to complete a mini game avoiding all the obstacles on the road. It is quite easy and last about a minute or so. When you finished the mini game, you will be in Mr. Silva’s office. And if you walk left you will be able to see CJ, who is also shrunken.
Talk to her, and after you did, Mr. Silva will find where you are, and he will try to shrink you again.
And next, will be the final mini game that completes the island. You will have to hide behind the objects to avoid the shrink ray gun. The way to complete the mini game is to pause behind every object except the big pile of books and the beaker next to the chair. Don’t hide behind them in the first time round, because we will need them later.
When Mr. Silva shrunk the trophy, jump onto the year book with the picture of a rat on it. Then hop onto the table, and get Mr. Silva to shrink the globe. Push the globe under the chair while hiding behind the big stack of books and the beaker. Then use the globe to jump onto the other table, and hide behind the lunch box. After the lunch box has been shrunk, run right and hide behind the mirror. Mr. Silva will then accidently shrink himself and he land in the jar of ants.
Once you and CJ had grown into normal size, you have completed this island. Congratulations!