Super Power Island Walkthrough

Super Power Island

Getting started
Dropping off your balloon, you have landed on a brand new island, ‘Super Power Island.’
First, walk to the right, and enter the blue shop called ‘Masks and Capes.’ Walk to the right a little and you will see dummies that are wearing ‘super hero costumes’. Click on one to customize and put everything on (You can mix different costumes together). Then go left and talk to the man holding the scissors, he will give you a super hero ID card.
Then go left, across the water, and the police man will let you through. Talk to the white haired man and he will give you the information about each villain that we are going to catch later on. Then talk to the woman, and she will give you a pair of anti power cuffs.
Now go back across the water, and walk all the way rights until you are in Down Town.
Capturing Copy Cat
You will be in front of a half broken bank, the glass on the doors are shattered. This is the area where you will arrest your first victim, Copy Cat.
Straight away when you walked in the door, you will see that copy cat had gone through all the shelves and she’s laughing her head off with something in her hand.
Go to the left and she will drop the ‘something-in-her-hand’ to slow you down, and before you know it, there will be loads of ‘copy cats’, all over the place.
All of them except one are visions, and you will have to ‘reach’ them to make them disappear.
Here are the places of the ‘copy cats’.
Lower level:
1.    On the window.
2.   On the light at the left side corner.
3.   On the light at the right side corner.
4.   Beside the pot of plant that is not knocked over.
5.   On top of the register counter.
Higher level:
1.    Next to the rubbish bin that is labeled as ‘trash’.
2.   On the file trays.
3.   On the other file trays.
4.   Next to the window.
5.   On the desk.
Once you reached the one that is on the desk, instead of disappearing you will punch her and she will collapse with circles above her (she got dizzy).
And you have successfully captured Copy Cat.

Capturing Sir Rebral
Once you have captured a villain, you will be back at the prison. So go back to Down Town, go right all the way, and pass the bank, the pretzel stand, the massive building that is blocked, the subway and to City Park.
Once you arrived in City Park, you will see Sir Rebral controlling bits of papers and rocks, and then you will find yourself next to a hot dog stand. Click on the man with the mustache and he will give you a free hot dog. (Yum)
Then go to the right and once you gotten near him enough, he will cause rocks to hit you, stand next to Sir Rebral and get ready to avoid the rocks. And when the rocks went into view, jump at the direction of Sir Rebral and then quickly get out of the way so that the rocks hit him instead.
This will make him angry and he will then make parts of the ground to pop up.
Then go to the right until you reached the toilet, and you will find a light grey rock that you may push.
Push to the left until it is just a tiny bit to the left of the broken statue that Sir Rebral is standing on, and when the ground popped up, the rock should hit Sir Rebral and stun him. Try this a few times if it didn’t work at first.
When he is knocked off the statue, click on him to cuff his hands.

Capturing Speedy Spike
Go back to Down Town and walk to the right until you reached the sign that says the word subway, and enter.
Go into the train and you will notice in the first cabin of the train there is a puddle on the floor, if you walk onto it, you’ll slip. Go right all the way until you found Speedy Spike.
Jump over him each time when he rushes at you, try to stay on his left side, and when he got angry, jump over him, and he will run into the next cabin of the train. Keep on doing that until he got to the first cabin. When he did, he will slip on the puddle of water, and then you can cuff him.

Capturing Crusher
Head back to City Park and go all the way to the right. You’ll see a sign for the Junkyard. Follow that sign to go inside. When you arrive, you’ll see Crusher standing on top of a pile of junk. Talk to the police there and they’ll tell you they’re unable to capture him. Good thing you’re a Super Hero, here to save the day again.
To defeat Crusher, you’re going to sneak to sneak past him twice. He will be stomping all of the time at first. To get to him safely is to note that between every time Crusher stomps his foot there is a four second pause, move in that four seconds and jump up when it’s the second that Crusher stomps. Head all the way to the right and get up on top of the oil barrels then leap onto the platform where he is standing and run right past him. You’ll get to a crane. Jump up the crane until you get to the cab at the top and click on it. Then drag the magnet control lever. The crane will release a heavy refrigerator which will fall on Crusher. But he lifts it off and throws it at you, knocking you back down. And now he’s really mad.
You have to sneak past Crusher one more time, but now he is hurling empty oil barrels at you and they will knock you down if you get hit, a way to not get hit is to move quickly and change positions straight after Crusher has thrown the oil barrel (not after you got hit). Try to get back to the crane one more time without getting hit by the oil barrels as you go. When you get all the way back to the cab of the crane, click and drag the magnet lever again to turn it back on. The magnet will pick up Crusher and then crush him flat! You can then safely go down to where he is and put the handcuffs on him.

Capturing Ratman
Return to City Park and walk right until you reach the toilets, enter the toilet you prefer. And you will find a hole somewhere in the washroom. Go into that hole. And you will end up in a sewer. Go to the left and turn the red iron wheel. And the sewer water level will decrease. Then go to the right and hop onto some platforms, and you will find another red iron wheel. Then turn the wheel in the middle. And you will be raised to a certain level. Swim to the left and you will see a door. Enter it.
And you will see Ratman, surrounded by a swarm of flies.
You will then find out, what he meant by ‘friends’, are rats.
Jump up to the top right corner of the Sewer Room while avoiding the rats and you will see a red wheel. Click on it to turn it, and it will sprinkle water over the Ratman and his flies. Ratman will be knocked out and the flies that are buzzing around him will start following you. If they touch you, you will get stung so you want to try to get to Ratman very quickly. Click on him to handcuff him and send him back to prison.

Capturing Betty Jetty
And now that you’re on Main Street again, walk to the right and you will notice that the telephone in the telephone stand is ringing. Click on it and you will get the ability to fly. Go then to the Downtown area and fly up to the very top of the blocked building and then go up. You’ll see Betty Jetty standing on top of an antenna. She will taunt you and fly away. Make sure your flight power is activated and chase after her. She will throw green energy balls at you. Each time you dodge them, you’ll get a little closer to her and eventually you will be close enough to capture her.
Tip on dodging Betty’s green energy balls:
Four balls in a square- Move places after Betty threw all of them, or just move all over the place carefully, like left then right then left then right.
Four balls in a line- Two balls will have some space in the middle them so fly between these two or go on the side of them.
One ball- Fly towards Betty and then back, while going left and right (going in circles all over the place).
This can take a few goes.
After you catch her, she will taunt you again, and Ned Noodlehead will appear and knock her over. Then you can put the handcuffs on her and she is captured and put back in prison.
However, that white haired man gave the medallion to Ned Noodlehead, not because it was a mistake, but because he thinks Ned deserves it! And all Ned did is whack Betty on the head.
So go into the comic shop and talk to him, and he said that he will trade a hot dog for the medallion, agree the offer and then you have completed this island.